Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 35-5 weeks post-op

Today I am 5 weeks post-op! I went to see my OS and my OD today! I got my splint out! It feels so much better to have it out. I do have to say it was the worst thing I have smelled in a long time. It was very unpleasant. He did let me rinse my mouth out with mouthwash and brush my teeth. He said that everything still looked great! AND he gave me the okay to begin chewing again! Although, he said I still need to be careful and not chew on anything hard, like carrots or hard bread or candy. I go back in 2 weeks! 

Next was my trip to see my OD. This was the first time I have seen him since before surgery. I waved at him when I got there and he immediately stopped what he was doing to come see me and see my new bite. He was so excited. All the nurses stopped and came over to look at me. They all seem to think I look so much younger. One of them thought I was still in high school. She asked me where my mom was and I told her I drove myself and she said "You can drive?" and I said "Yes ma'am, I am 21." She had this shocked look on her face.  

So my doctor goes on to continue looking. He took my wires out and let me floss and brush my teeth. He said my bite was the best he has seen in a long time from any of his surgical patients. I have a few smalls gaps on my back teeth that I am now wearing rubber bands for. I have rubberbands in a box formation on both sides of my mouth around the last 4 teeth. I go back and see my OD again in 4 weeks. 

Before my surgery when my OS showed me the models he had told me that my OD pretty much had my bite perfect. So I told that to my OD today and he said well I guess that means we don't much work left to do. Maybe that means I'll get braces off earlier than December, but I suppose I should not get my hopes up. I can't believe how happy I am right now. I am really starting to feel normal again. Although I do still have some stiffness and swelling, but that will all go away with time. 

Sorry I could only get 1 profile picture before my camera died. 
And my smile looks sooooo goofy.... I am really hoping that changes. I think I was used to only showing my top teeth when I had my old bite so I guess I need to work on a new smile. haha


  1. Your smile WILL get easier, but it definitely takes time. It is so strange how we really have to relearn how to smile. I am still working on it and I think my smile definitely has improved even in the last week or so. It's odd to have to think so much about smiling now, because your old smile that came so naturally has changed!

  2. Molly, your new pics look great. So pretty. I'm glad you finally got your splint out. What a relief that must be! The muscles in our face have to relearn everything after surgery; don't worry you will feel natural in no time. And, honestly, you probably notice it waaaay more than anyone else. Enjoy your new jaws/bite! Congrats on everything turning out nicely.
